Eine Frontaufnahme des Kopfes eines Mannes in seinen Dreißigern. Er lacht und schaut direkt in die Kamera. Er hat braune, mittellange Haare, die nicht perfekt gekämmt sind. Der Hintergrund ist neutral.

Since this is a personal website, a few words on myself are perhaps mandatory. I studied philosophy and cultural anthropology, and now work professionally creating websites. I live in Cologne, and my pronouns are he/him.

In addition to web development and free software, I’m interested in books, music, movies and video games. To blow off some steam, I like to go on long walks and hiking trips. On most days you will find me going through the extended neighborhood for hours – either strolling about or running at a brisker pace. I also enjoy castles, monasteries, and churches.

In case you are interested in further details, I’ve added links to my social-media channels on the respective topics. Please feel free to contact me or to add me as a friend!